Is Ageism Real?
Did you know that women over 50 have to submit an average of 500 job applications before landing a job? What’s wrong with that number? Everything. It should not be that hard, but it is, even if you have relevant experience, talent, awards, and an advanced degree. Are you too expensive? Too old? Is ageism real? Or is it more than that?
When I couldn’t get a job after consulting for nearly a decade, and I kept being told the same reasons: I was in second place, I wasn’t a good fit, we found someone with experience that was more aligned with our goals, and on, and on. Enough! I abandoned my job search and started doing research. I surveyed women around the country about their experiences. I contacted the HR director of one of the companies that didn’t hire me. We had coffee, and wow, did I get an earful. It turns out there is much more going on than I realized.
I learned about reverse ageism, the need to embrace learning new skills, the need to listen better, being a true team player, and more.
I also learned what can pull us under the table and went through that myself. I had so much pulling at me from being in the sandwiched generation that I couldn’t give my career the attention it needed. I had to deal with my elderly parents and my family. My career had to take a back seat.
Through my journey, I learned what I had to do to get my seat back and how I had to change, and I mean really change - my attitude, my perspective, my skills, my relationships, and my belief in myself. I did land the job that I wanted. And what I learned along the way was too important not to share.
Is ageism real? Yes. But it is more than society’s attitudes toward aging. It’s about our own attitudes and perspectives, too. So, pull up a chair, and join me at the table. Let’s talk about it.
In this blog, I will share snippets of my journey and how my journey continues to evolve. #keepyourseat